Enexis Netbeheer


Enexis Netbeheer ISO27001 behaald.

DigiTrust het ISO27001 certificaat mogen uitreiken bij Enexis Netbeheer. Mooi om te zien hoe Enexis eigen verantwoordelijkheid neemt mbt informatie beveiliging.

Het bericht van Enexis Netbeheer:

Today Digitrust handed out an ISO/IEC 27001:2017 certificate to our CEO Peter Vermaat. During the past years many colleagues from several departments worked very hard to reach this milestone, I’m really happy with the result so far and proud to be part of the team. This certificate shows that Enexis is dedicated to being in control of cybersecurity.

Our certificate applies to the Information Security Management System of the Enexis Netbeheer Operational Technology or OT domain. The ISMS scope currently includes the Enexis control centers, our SCADA systems, high/medium voltage stations that connect to TSO TenneT and the departments responsible for these components. The scope will be expanded to include all our substations and the departments responsible for these stations.

Of course receiving a certificate only signals the start of a long journey of continuous improvement. I’m convinced we’ll continue the good work with

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